Session 2024-25 is the first year of the first STEP cycle and is its Discovery phase. During the year, staff and students will come together for a series of Discovery Days to establish collaborative partnerships and design projects that will form the core of the programme. Discovery Days will include a mix of networking, teamworking and CPD activity. You will get to hear from other teams about their projects, as well as working on your own.
Between these days, Navigation Sessions will provide momentum, alongside additional supporting activities such as workshops, networking opportunities and CPD activity related to the topic. In developing projects there will be a focus on collaboration, clarity of outcomes and anticipated impact, and the formation of a cohesive programme of work that involves every college and university in Scotland in at least one project.

STEP One: Who are we and what are our challenges?
4 December 2024
The purpose of the first Discovery Day is to introduce STEP and the topic - Supporting Diverse Learner Journeys. We will take some time to get to know each other and begin to explore the challenges associated with the topic. By the end of the day, we aim to see initial project groups forming around common challenges - though these will not be set in stone.
STEP Two: How will we work together?
29 January 2025
The second Discovery Day will more firmly establish teams and see us start work on project proposals. You will be encouraged to think about the rationale for what you want to do in years 2 and 3.
STEP Three: How will we know we are making a difference?
26 March 2025
The third Discovery Day will have an emphasis on impact. Your team will be encouraged to consider the outcomes, indicators and evaluation of your project.
STEP Four: How will we deliver?
28 May 2025
By this stage, your team will be working through the details of your project proposal. What activities will you deliver? What resources will you require? How will you manage the project? What are the risks?
By the end of this Discovery Day, we should have a number of well-developed project proposals, as well as a good sense of how the programme will look in years 2 and 3.
About the Discovery Days
The first Discovery Day will take place at Stirling Court Hotel, University of Stirling. For the other Discovery Days our aim is to hold each event in a different region of Scotland. This will allow us to ensure that the time and cost of travel to these events is shared across institutions.
As attendance at Discovery Days is limited to members of the STEP Network, members will receive an email containing a link to register for the first Discovery Day.
About the navigation sessions
Following each of the Discovery days, CDN will offer 2-hour online navigation sessions. The purpose of these sessions is to surface the key thoughts, ideas and questions that participants have had since the discovery days, and to identify next steps on their journey.
The navigation sessions will use the Open Space method - a technique for running meetings where the participants create and manage the agenda themselves. This method is well suited to the context of the STEP programme because it enables participants to work with what emerges from the Discovery Days.
Participants are invited to reflect on the Discovery Day and identify topics or questions that they believe are important to discuss further.
Navigation sessions will take place on:
- 20 January 2025
- 17 March 2025
- 28 April 2025
- 9 June 2025.