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A core team of four individuals - two Topic Staff Leads and two Topic Student Leads, representing both colleges and universities - will act as key sector-level leads for STEP.  Working closely with the STEP governance groups, as well as QAA and CDN, they will champion STEP across Scotland, driving forward the enhancement ambitions of the sector.


Staff Topic Leads will be appointed for the duration of each STEP cycle, and students will be in place for at least one year. Together, they will co-chair the STEP Topic Leadership Group, attend the STEP Steering Group and be a member of the STEP Network. Find out more on the STEP Management and Governance page.

Students are at the heart of tertiary education in Scotland and are crucial to the success of STEP.  Every college and university will have a student representative on the STEP Network to drive forward STEP projects in their own institution, build relationships across the sector and represent students’ interests in taking STEP forward.

Adelayo Adebayo, Vice President Education at the University of Stirling Students’ Union, and Chloe Sandilands, Student President at New College Lanarkshire, Motherwell have been chosen as the student Topic Leads. Between them they bring a wealth of experience in representing students. They will play a key role in jointly shaping the work of the first STEP topic, advising on the development of enhancement projects and co-designing sector wide events.

Adelayo Adebayo

(University of Stirling)

Chloe Sandiland

(New College Lanarkshire)

Adelayo and Chloe will work alongside Dr Derek Robertson, Director of Student Experience at City of Glasgow College and Professor Steve Tucker, Dean of Quality Assurance and Enhancement at the University of Aberdeen as the staff Topic Leads.

Dr Derek Robertson

(City of Glasgow College)

Professor Steve Tucker

(University of Aberdeen)