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Governance of STEP will be the responsibility of three groups drawn from across the sector.

STEP Steering Group

The Steering Group will provide strategic leadership and direction and will be accountable for the successful delivery of STEP. The Group will approve the overarching STEP topic and priorities, set aims and objectives, approve STEP projects, and establish a STEP Topic Leadership Group for each cycle. Steering Group members will be responsible for ensuring information flows between the Steering Group and the other groups they represent.


Adelayo AdebayoUniversity of StirlingSTEP Topic Student LeadMember
Alen McKinlayGlasgow Caledonian UniversityThe Quality ForumMember
Catriona CunninghamEdinburgh Napier UniversityUniversities Scotland Learning and Teaching CommitteeMember
Chloe SandilandNew College LanarkshireTopic Student LeadMember
Clare PeddieUniversity of St AndrewsScottish Higher Education Enhancement CommitteeMember
Derek RobertsonCity of Glasgow CollegeTopic Staff LeadMember
Elena StrachanForth Valley Collegesparqs Student Expert GroupMember
Gail GrahamEdinburgh CollegeColleges Quality NetworkMember
Helen ScottUniversity of StirlingScottish Higher Education Enhancement CommitteeMember
Jonny PearsonEdinburgh CollegeColleges Vice-Principals Curriculum NetworkMember
Julie GraceDundee and Angus CollegeColleges Vice-Principals Curriculum NetworkMember
Miles RothoerlUniversity of Aberdeensparqs Student Expert GroupMember
Nick BrewerUniversity of DundeeTopic expertMember
Sarah-Jane LintonFife CollegeColleges Vice-Principals Curriculum NetworkMember
Steve TuckerUniversity of AberdeenSTEP Topic Staff LeadMember
TBCNUSNUS representativeMember
Alastair DuthieThe Quality Assurance Agency for Higher EducationQAA representativeObserver
Joe MulhollandEducation ScotlandEducation Scotland representativeObserver
Karen GrayScottish Funding CouncilSFC representativeObserver
Megan Brownsparqssparqs representativeObserver
Vicky UnderwoodCollege Development NetworkCDN representativeObserver

The Steering Group will be co-chaired by a representative from each of the colleges, universities and student bodies. There will be a minimum of three meetings per year.

STEP Topic Leadership Group

The Topic Leadership Group will provide operational leadership as well as topic-specific and evaluation expertise for each new cycle of STEP. It will report on a regular basis on the progress and impact of the work of the work it is supporting through STEP to the Steering Group. It will also facilitate the exchange of learning between project teams and champion the work of STEP.




Adelayo AdebayoUniversity of StirlingTopic Student LeadMember
Alison EalesThe Quality Assurance Agency for Higher EducationQAA representativeMember
Chloe SandilandsNew College LanarkshireTopic Student LeadMember
Derek RobertsonCity of Glasgow CollegeTopic Staff LeadMember
Heather FotheringhamThe Quality Assurance Agency for Higher EducationQAA representativeMember
Joe MulhollandEducation ScotlandEducation Scotland representativeMember
Megan Brownsparqssparqs representativeMember
Paula ChristieCollege Development NetworkCDN representativeMember
Steve TuckerUniversity of AberdeenTopic Staff LeadMember
Valerie JackmanCollege Development NetworkCDN representativeMember
Clare ParksThe Quality Assurance Agency for Higher EducationQAA officer(s)Observer
Derek HorsburghScottish Funding CouncilSFC representativeObserver

The Topic Leadership Group will be chaired by one of the appointed STEP topic staff and student leads, to be agreed by QAA in advance of the meetings. Meetings will be held approximately every eight weeks, with the schedule set out at the beginning of each year.


STEP Network

The STEP Network provides a space for institutional staff and students and sector agencies to work together, engendering a sense of sector ownership and deepening the breadth and depth of institutional engagement. Every college and university will have a staff and student representative, and the membership will also include representatives from key sector agencies. It is this group that will undertake the key developmental work of projects to be undertaken in each STEP cycle.



STEP Topic Staff and Student Leads Member4
Staff representative for each institution Member45
Student representative for each institution Member45
College Development Network Member1
Education Scotland Member1
NUS Scotland (Vice-President Education or President) Member1
QAA Member1
sparqs Member1
Project lead (representing the project/named institution for each project) Memberas appropriate
Other QAA and CDN colleagues Observeras appropriate
Other individuals Observeras appropriate

The Network will be chaired by the Topic Staff and Student Leads, supported by QAA and CDN.  In year 1, the meetings of the STEP Network will be during the four Discovery Days, which will facilitate the development of proposals for collaborative enhancement projects. In years 2-4, there will be a minimum of three meetings each year which will be a mixture of online and face-to-face sessions.

STEP Governance

Publication date: 22 Nov 2024